I suppose when it seems impossible to feel great about anything in life, the Lord wants most of all for us to learn where the truest source of peace and happiness is.
In this mortal state we are bound to trip into holes or dig ourselves into them. The deeper the hole gets, the darker it becomes and the farther from light we feel and are. The only way out is up. Light is evidence that freedom abounds where the light originated. However much of it we are able to see, this light gives us hope that there is indeed freedom from our entrapment.
Yet one might wonder, “I am still down here. How am I to get out? It is impossible. I’ve tried. I have no more strength. I have fallen too many times. This hole has beaten me.” No matter how deep your hole descends, no matter how far you have fallen or how big a mess you may have caused yourself, the Lord’s line of safety is secure, and it is infinitely long. He is ready and able. All He asks of you is to use what gumption you have left to grab hold of His rope, hold on tightly, and help Him pull you out. He cannot help you if you do not take hold of it.
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