No one is exempt from the effects of this fallen world. We are all captive to the consequences brought about by our own choices as well as find ourselves maimed by those of others. None in either predicament has the power, the knowhow, or the wisdom to raise ourselves from our earthly woes. We need love to do so.
Love from others is a necessity, and we are wired to seek it out. Love is the lifting power that raises us again to our feet, the soothing balm that heals all wounds. In our captivity it is often difficult to obtain as all of us struggle to give and receive love. While we are each limited in that capacity but are able to give in some way to help others along, God is the supreme source of love that ultimately sets us free. His love heals all wounds. He has the power, the knowhow, and the wisdom to raise all of us from our woes.
As we look to Him, He extends peace, love, and light which surpasses our understanding. This gives us hope that through Him we can and will be freed. Freedom abounds just outside our prison cells. His light is evidence of that.
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